Configuring Maven in MacOS for AEM Build

In this article we will see how we can setup java and maven in our MacOS so that we can give a successful build of our AEM Archetype project.

As we know we can easily setup the Environmental variables in windows but the process in MacOS is bit different.

Firstly we need to simple install the Java 11 using the .dmg file installer which you can get at

And once you are done installing the Java 11 successfully you can check for the Java version in your terminal using java -version and check if it shows the correct Java version.

Now download the latest or required maven version from and unzip it at any of your local system location. (In my case I have kept it at /Users/NikhilKumar/Downloads/apache-maven-3.9.0).

Now once you are done with the above placement of the unzipped apache-maven-3.9.0 folder, you can open a new terminal which point to the users location (in my case it’s /Users/NikhilKumar).

Now next thing is to check for /.bash_profile file in the users path or you can simply open the terminal of macOs and type vi ~/.bash_profile. Now you will get an empty vi editor and now just add the below set of lines which will set the maven path to the path of the dowloaded maven version.

export M2_HOME="/Users/NikhilKumar/Downloads/apache-maven-3.9.0"
export PATH

Now once you are done adding the above code just press Esc then Shift + Colon(:) and then type wq and press enter. (This means we are saving the piece of lines that we have added in bash_profile).

Once you are done with above steps you can either re-open a new terminal to check for maven version or just do source .bash_profile and then check for maven version and it should show you the corresponding maven version.

Now we can go ahead to our AEM Maven project and give a maven build and it should successfully download the dependencies and build should be success.

Thank you for reading.
Happy Coding!